Tag Archives: West Palm Beach Probate Lawyer

A Paternity Dispute During Probate
There are times when a man passes away that another adult or minor comes forward and claims to be that man’s child. This person, known as a putative child, may have the right to prove their paternity during the probate process. If they are the man’s biological child, then they may have the right… Read More »

Florida Probate Beneficiaries’ Rights
When your spouse, parent, sibling, or child passes away, you are most likely a beneficiary of their estate. You may be named in their will, or if they passed away without a will, then you may inherit under Florida’s intestate laws. As a beneficiary during probate, you have certain rights, including: Notice of Probate:… Read More »

When You May File an Undue Influence Claim for a Will or Trust
When you believe someone unlawfully influenced your relative to alter their own will or a trust, then you need to speak with an experienced Florida probate attorney about filing an undue influence claim. Proving that one of the decedent’s other family members, friends, or acquaintances used a significant amount of persuasion, coercion, or fraud… Read More »

The Grounds for Contesting a Will During Probate
In Florida, probate is the process by which a will is validated and then executed. If you believe your loved one’s will was fake, created under duress, created when your loved one was incompetent, or invalid for some other reasons, then you will need to contest their will during this time. Contesting a will… Read More »
Maybe It’s Time to Update Your Estate Plan
Imagine this scenario: A newly married couple in their late twenties or early thirties decide to sit down with an attorney and map out an estate plan. They write a will, purchase life insurance policies, perhaps establish a trust fund for the children they plan to have one day. It all sounds great. Then… Read More »