Monthly Archives: January 2025

Understanding the Right to Quiet Enjoyment
It is generally understood that when we rent property, along with whatever rights are in the rent agreement itself, there is also what is known as a right of quiet enjoyment. Quiet enjoyment is a simple concept, although one that can have differing interpretations, making it something important for property owners, and those who… Read More »

Prequalification and Preapproval for Home Loans: What’s the Difference?
Let’s say you’re trying to sell a house, and your agent or attorney tells you that a potential buyer is prequalified for a loan. Great news—it looks like if you contract you won’t have to worry about the loan contingency! Or is it great news? Does your buyer need to be pre qualified or… Read More »

Land, Trees, and Property Boundaries
When we buy or own property, we are distinctly aware of the boundaries—we know where our property ends and begins, and where our neighbors’ property does the same, and we know what is on our property is ours and the same for our neighbor. But trees and foliage don’t really care about your property… Read More »

The Pros and Cons of Hard Money Lenders
You may have heard of friends or others, who get loans for real estate purchases through what are known as hard money lenders. Many speak positively about the benefits of hard money lending, but before you resort to using them, there are things that you should know about them. What is a Hard Money… Read More »