Tag Archives: West Palm Beach Business Law Attorney

Three Reasons Why Small Businesses Need to Retain an In-House Counsel
Owning a small business means dealing with all the legalities that arise from the day-to-day operation of the business. The owners of larger companies and corporations are in many ways insulated from minor legal questions having to do with running a business. These include issues revolving around employees, minor contracts as well as small… Read More »

Valuing Your Business for Sale
If you are interested in selling your business, whether it remains a local mom-and-pop store or you have expanded its reach beyond Florida, you need to obtain an accurate valuation. After years of running the operations a certain way, you may not have the most up-to-date information on what the business is really worth… Read More »

Disputing a Non-Compete Agreement
A restrictive covenant is a type of contractual provision that prohibits a party from doing something in the future. It is an agreement that a person will refrain from certain actions or behavior. A common restrictive covenant is a non-compete clause in an employment contract. This provision states that an employee of a business… Read More »
The Differences Between Mediation and Arbitration
Whether there is an internal dispute at work or your business is having trouble with another company, you do not need to immediately head to court to fix the problem. Almost any type of disagreement can be dealt with in a less contentious manner by seeking an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) method with the… Read More »
Passing on the Family Business
In starting a small business, some people have a long-term goal of making it the family business and passing it on to their children or other heirs upon death. Passing on the family business to heirs can be a challenging thing depending on how the business is structured, and expensive depending on how much… Read More »
Using a Real Estate Trust to Shield Real Estate Ownership from Public View
Soon after a Missouri grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, Wilson received plenty of unsolicited advice about what he should do with his life now. One report on CNN, paraphrasing several former police officers, advised, “He’s got to change his name…. Read More »